Thursday, August 26, 2010

Recent Casts

Here are a couple of recent efforts. The goblets are mine but the fabulous fish platter is by Deb Cox. My own fish bowl needs some work on the mold design. Hope to produce two more in a couple of weeks.

Rob's big "eye"

We all loved watching Nadine and Marcus helping Rob with the making of the "eye" bowl.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Burning House Toile

Love this adaptation of a toile

First day of blogging

Well, this is my first day using my new toy.
Very sore after blowing for the last couple of days - but hopefully I will get one wobbly tumbler at least. Stevie is a great teacher and great fun to work with.
Everyone was captivated yesterday by Rob blowing his big "eye" bowl - it was hot, hard work and very BIG! Photos to follow very soon. Today we have an artist demo and Kirsties class this afternoon - the highlight of the week.

Matt Szoz - Glass Inflating!

We had a very fast but impressive demo from American glass artist Matt Szoz today. Matt heats up layers of glass and thinfire paper in the kiln and then inflates them in a matter of seconds with compressed air to make different shapes - great fun to watch.